There is a huge difference between copy trading and social trading. This difference can be summed up by two letters, E and A and I don't mean an expert adviser. The E is for education, the A is for approach. Copy trading is not a bad thing but it is fundamentally different from social trading because it does not focus or care about education and the approach is making easy money. Of course making easy money is great and without doubt it is a good idea for a newbie trader to follow in the footsteps ...
Copy trading, mirror trading, social trading. All names for the same thing, the latest trend in binary options. They are exactly what it sounds like, more or less. It is the practice of copying or following someone else trading. To be honest, the concept is nothing new, people have been following gurus, news letter providers, analysts, more experienced traders and each other since the dawn of trading. The difference now is that the binary options brokers, following the lead of popular forex platforms ...