Google Partners With ESPN To Deliver 2014 World Cup Video Highlights
, 06-15-2014 at 05:23 PM (1552 Views)
Google Partners With ESPN To Deliver 2014 World Cup Video Highlights
Google has partnered with ESPN to deliver video highlights for World Cup related searches. Those searching for World Cup information may see links to ESPN clips within special informational boxes that now show up at the top of Google’s search results, as Google shared today.
For example, a search for World Cup brings up a box that in turn leads to a “Mexico versus Cameroon” timeline, where the ESPN clips are displayed:
Clips will also be available in a similar format on mobile devices. In addition, ESPN will have links leading to its content showing up if people are searching in an effort to watch the World Cup live, according to an ESPN press release.
Clicking on the clips doesn’t play them within Google. Instead, people are jumped over to ESPN’s ESPN FC site.
Why not just show them on Google itself? According to a Recode report, ESPN doesn’t have the rights to show the clips other than on its own site. Recode also says there’s no money exchanging hands for the placement nor any ad sharing.