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Oculus slashes Rift prices as sales sag

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by , 03-06-2017 at 11:02 AM (883 Views)

There’s been good news on the VR front of late, but precious little of it is coming from Oculus. Earlier this week, Sony announced it was closing on one million VR headsets sold since the launch late last year. Sony has moved 915,000 VR units to date, even though we haven’t seen many new VR games launch for the platform (though Resident Evil 7 is a notable exception).

Oculus has been busy these last few months bringing its touch controllers to market, working on a new standalone headset that doesn’t require tethering, and working with developers on new Oculus VR-compatible games. Despite the company’s early position as an industry leader, the last year saw much of Oculus’ pole position drain away, sapped by launch woes, the lack of touch controllers (which HTC’s Vive had), no initial full-room tracking (which again, Vive supported) and consumer blowback over Oculus’ use of DRM. Palmer Luckey himself came under heavy fire for earlier promises to foster an open VR ecosystem followed by attempts to lock content to the Oculus Store.


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