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Gears of War 4 competitive cross-play being tested this weekend between PC, Xbox One owners

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by , 12-12-2016 at 09:38 PM (969 Views)

If you’re still playing Gears of War 4’s multiplayer, this weekend has something special on offer. The Coalition team has decided to enable competitive cross-play for this weekend in hopes of gathering data on what it’s like for Xbox One and PC gamers to go head-to-head. Unifying the PC and Xbox audience has recently been a priority at Microsoft, and 2016 has seen some massive steps forward. The Play Anywhere initiative allows gamers to buy a single copy of a game, and play it on both console and PC. Similarly, Redmond has made major strides in the cross-play department as well.

Gears of War 4 launched with cooperative cross-play support, so PC players and Xbox One players have been teaming up for the last two months. The only major limitation was the lack of public match-making for competitive multiplayer. If everyone’s on the same team, no big deal. But the second you have KBAM and controller players going up against each other, then it becomes a problem. To solve the balance issue, The Coalition first needs to get a clear picture of how the two platforms stack up.


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