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Availability check: Can you buy the latest Polaris and Pascal GPUs from AMD and Nvidia?

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by , 08-06-2016 at 01:49 PM (1156 Views)

For the past two months, AMD and Nvidia have been launching new GPU families and pushing fresh hardware into market. While this makes for interesting reviews, it’s not worth much if consumers can’t actually buy the hardware they’re reading about.

We’ve swept the Internet in the US and even checked some relative sales figures in Europe, courtesy of Let’s see how AMD and Nvidia rank — and whether or not the hardware they’ve launched is actually on sale. We’ve used the website for this analysis, which performs minute-by-minute inventory checks on websites. We’ve seen its contents vary while putting this article together, so don’t be surprised if the totals don’t exactly match our own. Trends, however, are easy to spot.


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