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AMD to Ditch 12-Pin GPU Power Cable as Photos Appear of Melted RTX 4090 Adapters

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by , 11-01-2022 at 02:29 AM (314 Views)

GPU “Cable Gate” is an official thing now. This week a Redditor posted images of a melted 12-pin adapter cable on their Nvidia RTX 4090. The power plug on the PCB was also irreversibly damaged as well. Naturally, the Internet was outraged as this was predicted to happen before the GPUs launched. Back in September PCI-SIG issued a warning about using 12-pin power cable adapters, saying it could cause problems. Now, that has apparently happened. In the wake of this event, it’s been confirmed that AMD will not be using the new cable on its upcoming RDNA3 GPUs. This has led to a lot of questions about Nvidia’s 12-pin cable design. Now Nvidia says it’s investigating the incident.


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