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HiGame is Back and Starcraft Remastered Has Gone Live

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by , 09-01-2017 at 02:47 PM (941 Views)

There’s a pair of announcements from Blizzard about their new version of Starcraft and a second name-swap. First, Starcraft Remastered is now officially available. This new version of the game is a faithful reproduction of the original as far as its playstyle and visual effects, but the original assets have been reimplemented in native 4K and the game now supports 16:9 aspect ratios, leaderboards, replays, ladder ranks, player profiles, and cloud saves. More significant changes, like offering universal autocasting across all units were not implemented, as Blizzard wanted to offer a version of the game identical to what became a worldwide sensation and practically a Korean religion back in the late 1990s and early 2000s.


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