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'The future of gaming is here': KFC Announces New Video Game Console (with a declaration on Twitter)

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by , 06-15-2020 at 10:19 PM (826 Views)
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The buzz around upcoming game consoles from Sony and Microsoft has been building steadily, and KFC — yes, that KFC — has evidently decided this is the time to shake up the company’s recipe for success.
KFC has declared that it will launch a game console on November 12, 2020, with a declaration on Twitter. Behold the KFConsole:
The future of gaming is here.
Introducing the KFConsole. #PowerYourHunger
— KFC Gaming (@kfcgaming) June 12, 2020

KFC’s Brand Engagement Manager for the UK and Ireland, Josh Benge, released the following statement:
At KFC we’ve been continually astounded by the gaming community’s amazing response to everything we’ve done and we had to give back with something truly incredible. We wanted to give gamers the best gaming experience on the market, with the convenience of a home chicken supply and so the the KFConsole was born. We can’t wait to get into our fans’ hands later this year.

The original PR references an “11GHz Zinger processor,” and I really want to tell you that’s absolute proof that this is a joke — except companies have been known to play fast and loose with clocks and core counts before, with bird-brained references to “128-bit” consoles during the PS2 and Dreamcast era.


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Tags: dreamcast, game, kfc, ps2, ps5 Add / Edit Tags
