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Three Reasons to Sell

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by , 08-17-2014 at 10:23 AM (1062 Views)
The often choppy summer months and the thick of earnings season are often a tough time for investors and traders. They struggle to decide whether to take any action before their stocks report earnings.
Deciding when to sell is a difficult decision for most traders and investors. Beginning traders often go through a vicious cycle. They often start by selling too late as they liquidate on weakness and give up too much of their profits. On the next trade they tend to over compensate by selling too early and then often beat themselves up as they have gotten out too early.
When to Sell is the title of a book by Justin Mamis, an excellent technical analyst, who may not be well known to many of you. This is just one of the excellent books he has written and that can be found on Amazon:

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A classic book that was updated and revised in 1994, now with a new foreword written by the author. A meaningful analysis, a few rules to follow, how to choose good charts, and numerous case histories. Guidelines to follow which help you to be self-reliant.


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