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Neural networks made easy (Part 74): Trajectory prediction with adaptation

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by , 06-15-2024 at 08:05 AM (290 Views)
Building a trading strategy is inseparable from analyzing the market situation and forecasting the most likely movement of a financial instrument. This movement often correlated with other financial assets and macroeconomic indicators. This can be compared with the movement of transport, where each vehicle follows its own individual destination. However, their actions on the road are interconnected to a certain extent and are strictly regulated by traffic rules. Also, due to the individual perception of the road situation by vehicle drivers, a share of stochasticity remains on the roads.

In this article I want to introduce you to a method for effectively jointly predicting the trajectories of all agents on the scene with dynamic learning of weights ADAPT, which was proposed to solve problems in the field of navigation of autonomous vehicles. The method was first presented in the article "ADAPT: Efficient Multi-Agent Trajectory Prediction with Adaptation".

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