Похоже gmt в советнике в версии 5,95 работает некорректно. Если оставить gmt +7 (по умолчанию), то корректно отображается время новостей на брокерах с любым gmt, хотя не должно или я не прав?
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Похоже gmt в советнике в версии 5,95 работает некорректно. Если оставить gmt +7 (по умолчанию), то корректно отображается время новостей на брокерах с любым gmt, хотя не должно или я не прав?
Official language of the forum is English so please write in English.
As to the time so I am using Auto Timezone Detection as true.
Attachment 13952
In this case - time for news events are showing correctly on the chart, but Time Zone time - not. On the charts below: Alpari is on GMT + 2so everything is fine with the time of the news events (so we can trade), but it is written on the chart as GMT+3 ...
Attachment 13953
Attachment 13954
Seems you are right ... I will inform Igorad about this possible issue.
Thanks foir reporting.
I found out by experience that when GMT-0 broker need to put in the properties EA GMT+4
If you use Auto Timezone Detection = true so everything will be fine (in trading). Anyway - I reported to Igorad about this issue.
Important: Please download the fixed version v5.96 600+.
I just downloaded this new version (from the first post of the thread), installed it and it works.
Attachment 13979
Attachment 13980
Please find (attached) the templates and the settings (pre-set files) for EURUSD, GBPUSD, USDCHF, USDJPY and USDCAD (I am using M5 timeframe)
It (5.96 version) works in trading too - this is EUR GDP for now:
Attachment 13981
Attachment 13982
Trading the following news events:
AUD - Cash Rate
AUD - Foreign Reserves
(it was small profit)
Attachment 14697
Attachment 14698
Attachment 14699
Attachment 14700
Attachment 14701
Trading NFP for now:
but the market is very ranging for now (ranging price movement) -
EURUSD M5: 90 pips range price movement by USD - Non-Farm Employment Change news event:
It was FOMC Meeting Minutes 15 min ago but I missed this profitable news event sorry
It was FOMC Meeting Minutes at 19:00 GMT today:
"Most Federal Reserve officials thought the satisfaction of the economic conditions required for an interest-rate hike were "approaching," according to minutes from the July meeting released Wednesday. The meeting minutes suggested that a September rate hike was a live option. By a 10-0 vote, Fed policy makers on July 29 decided to keep rates between zero and 0.25%, where they have been since December 2008. But the undercurrent of the discussion showed broad support for an increase in interest rates. Supporters of a rate hike made several arguments, including that an appreciable delay in a tightening monetary policy would spark inflation or financial instability. A minority of Fed officials counseled patience, noting that there were no grounds to think inflation would move back to the 2% annual target, particularly because of the strong dollar and recent drop in crude-oil prices. The minutes were released early after a news outlet broke the 2 p.m. Eastern time embargo." (the source)