Data Science and Machine Learning part 03: Matrix Regressions
If you paid attention to the previous two articles you'll notice the big issue I had is programming models that could handle more independent variables, by this I mean dynamically handle more inputs because when it comes to creating strategies we are going to deal with hundreds of data, so we want to be sure that our models can cope with this demand.
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Multiple indicators on one chart (Part 05): Turning MetaTrader 5 into a RAD system (I)
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There are a lot of people who do not know how to program but they are quite creative and have great ideas. However, the lack of programming knowledge prevents them from implementing these ideas. Today we will create our own Chart Trade interface to send market orders or to set up parameters used in pending orders. We will do this without programming, just using the functions that will be inside the Expert Advisor. We are curious, so let's see how it will look on our monitors.
Multiple indicators on one chart (Part 06): Turning MetaTrader 5 into a RAD system (II)
The system works very well, and for sure many of the readers might have thought about creating a library, which would allow having extended functionality in the proposed system. Based on this, it would be possible to develop a more intuitive Expert Advisor with a nicer and easier to use interface.
Video: Simple automated trading – How to create a simple Expert Advisor with MQL5
10 video lessons about how to create EA for Metatrader 5
Video: Simple automated trading – How to create a simple Expert Advisor with MQL5
A so-called Expert Advisor is what we are looking at right now. An Expert Advisor is an automated application that can operate within MetaTrader and can open and close positions on its own.
In this video, we will learn how to create an Expert Advisor in its most basic form.
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Learn how to design a trading system by OBV
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In this new article, we will learn about a new technical indicator that can deal with volume and help us to see a different perspective: we will talk about the On-Balance Volume (OBV) indicator in detail to try to cover this interesting topic and learn how to use this technical indicator in our favor. The following are topics that will cover this indicator:
- OBV definition
- OBV strategy
- OBV strategy blueprint
- OBV trading system
- Conclusion
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Developing a trading Expert Advisor from scratch (Part 7): Adding Volume at Price (I)
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Anyone who trades trying to have a certain degree of confidence must have this indicator on their chart. Most often the indicator is used by those who prefer tape reading while trading. Also, the indicator can be utilized by those who trade only based on the Price Action analysis. This is an extremely useful horizontal volume indicator which can be utilized to analyze the volume of trades that occurred at a particular price time. However, reading the indicator correctly can be tricky. I will add a link at the end of the article so you can learn more about this.
Video: How to setup MetaTrader 5 and MQL5 for simple automated trading
MetaTrader 5 is a software that can help you to automate your trading strategies. It comes with a full blown language called MQL5. That is a programming language.
The download for MetaTrader 5 and MQL5 is totally free. And in this little video series we will get you started with automated trading. Let's see what MQL5 and MetaTrader5 can do for you and how to get started now.
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Learn how to design a trading system by MFI
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This article continues our series about how to design simple trading systems based on the most popular technical indicators to help us learn MQL5 coding. In this new article, we will have a look at the new technical indicator called the Money Flow Index (MFI). We will learn this indicator in detail and find out how to develop a simple trading system based on the main concept behind it. So we will cover this indicator through the following topics:
- MFI definition
- MFI strategy
- MFI strategy blueprint
- MFI trading system
- Conclusion
Data Science and Machine Learning (Part 04): Predicting Current Stock Market Crash
A stock market crash is a sharp and quick drop in the total value of the market with prices typically declining more than 10% within a few days, Famous examples of major stock market crashes are the black Monday in 1987 and the real estate bubble in 2008. A crash is usually attributable to the burst of a price bubble and is due to a massive sell-off that occurs when a majority of the stock market participants try to sell off their assets at the same time.
How to master Machine Learning
All beginning traders start their learning journey with the technical analysis basics, and many of them read the same books on stock exchange trading. The basics are normally easy to understand. However, the initial manual trading phase passes fairly quickly. The next step is to achieve greater stability of trading results and to increase trading volumes, while covering a variety of financial instruments and maintaining low risk. This is where algorithmic trading via trading robots comes in handy, which is however a totally new area of study. In addition to financial market knowledge, it requires programming and technical analysis skills.